Metabolic Gold for liver health

Metabolic Gold for liver health

"It's estimated that up to 1 in every 3 people in the UK has early stages of Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease"



When our fat cells can’t cope anymore with storing fat – the liver takes the burden and becomes the “overflow” storage organ for fat. This sets the stage for a vicious cycle and metabolic dysfunction.

As the fats in blood increase, gene function in the liver is inhibited causing more fat to be dumped there. At the same time, levels of leptin are increased – causing a corresponding fall in the fat-burning hormone known as adiponectin. Low adiponectin levels lead to insulin resistance in the liver – which then causes blood sugar to rise – and this sugar is then converted to more fat.

Early symptoms of NAFLD (Non Fatty Liver Disease) may be mild:

  • Extreme Fatigue
  • Discomfort in upper right abdomen
  • Difficulty losing weight
  • Weakness

Losing weight can help to slowly unclog the liver, reduce the amount of stored fat, thereby speeding up the metabolism as well as to help to reduce blood sugar, harmful LDL cholesterol and triglycerides.


Dietary suggestions to unclog the liver and support its optimal function:

  1. A Mediterranean diet (vegetables, fruits, antioxidant spices and herbs, whole grains, oily fish, nuts and olive oil) have been shown to benefit liver health. 

         Liver nourishing foods include : cruciferous veg (Brussels sprouts,                                                   cauliflower, kale, cabbage, broccoli, rocket (arugula), watercress)

        Bitter foods: rocket, radicchio, dandelion greens

  1. Practising some intermittent fasting can also help un-clog the liver, even if you can only manage a 12 hour overnight fast, as it allows the body to rest and regenerate.
  1. Ensure you are eating enough protein. If you are not consuming enough protein this can impair your liver’s ability to carry out it’s detoxifying and metabolic functions. 
  1. Drink plenty of pure water to help flush out excess toxins.



The great news is that we can support our hard working liver with specific nutrients which have been supported by scientific research:


    • AGED GARLIC can help shift unwanted fat from being dumped in the liver.
    • VITAMIN D deficiencies are linked to NAFLD (Non Alcohol Fatty Liver Disease) : Vitamin D deficiency leads to the release of pro-inflammatory agents that can contribute to fatty liver disease
    • BERGAMOT & ARTICHOKE EXTRACTS - Bergamot fruit extract has been shown to lower blood sugar, reduce inflammation, improve blood vessel activity and artichoke boosts your production of bile.
If you have any questions about how our products can help improve your health please call our Pharmacists on 01483 685 630 or email
Jeff Schmidt - Heart Attack

Heart attack by Jeff Schmidt

It turns out that we really are ‘the sum total of our experiences.’ Had I known then the impact of many of my decisions, I may have made changes earlier, but it turns out that we must live life to truly understand it.  



I was definitely living life. Perceived invincibility provided me with the tunnel vision which enabled me to dash from one task to another, ticking off one more achievement, adventure and accolade.

Of course you can’t sustain this symphonic level of intensity without topping up the tank with quick access fuel, mine came in the form of sugar- packets of delicious sweets and finely baked biscuits.

I also gradually began to neglect my regular exercise regimen in exchange for a membership in the weekend warrior club. Gut irritation and a little extra weight accumulated, but, as far as I was concerned, I felt normal for a 40-something professional.

‘That’ evening, the one that irreversibly shook up my life, Thursday 3 December, I found myself staring eternity squarely in the face. I had returned home from work with my two girls. It had been a stressful day capped by a suitably heated, hard-hitting quarrel that left me trembling. 

 I did not generally consider my life stressful, and yet I knew that I ran at a pretty high-octane pace. But that was OK, because, despite warnings from others, I was, or believed I was, bulletproof.  

I wore my intensity like a shiny badge of honour. On that evening, however, the engine said ‘no more’; you can’t drive even the most brilliantly engineered sports cars at 5000 RPM indefinitely. 

 It took my mum, who spotted me bent over, clutching my chest, rubbing my arms on FaceTime and my daughter's subsequent fear-filled plea to get help for me to make the medical call. Reluctantly, in a haze of pain, I did make the call. In minutes an ambulance was there. 


Pride masking the danger, I couldn’t help, but feel that all this commotion was quite unnecessary. The seasoned paramedics quickly assessed my traumatised frame, blood pressure surging through my veins like a blocked firehose. They looked me straight in the eyes, piercing my vanity, and said, “We are taking you to hospital. Now.” 

Jeff Schmidt - a loose wire


‘That’ evening marked the beginning of a myriad of changes.  Naturally, and most significantly was that of my health, but also, running neatly alongside, compelling me, almost without choice, was my desire to capture the goodness in life around me. 

Being in hospital forced me to slow down and rest, my senses sharpened and my eyes opened to the subtleties in the world around me, to things I had not previously noticed before. 

I became acutely aware of nuances in conversation, of the sacrifices of those around me and of the delicacy of relationships. I was also painfully cognizant, in increasing measure, of the compounding effects of the bad choices I had made for my body- sugar addiction, stress, exercise withdrawal and sleep deprivation.

Buckminster Fuller once said, “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” So, that is what I did (and am doing), engineering a new, more tantalising model for life. 

My diet, for instance, has been transformed. The once glutinous intake has been replaced with cleaner foods, nutrition straight from the earth and, perhaps more importantly, I expunged sweets. 

Implored by the immediacy of the situation, I also instilled radical changes to my work routine and introduced regular, gentler exercises in the great outdoors. The list goes on, but I feel that, if indeed we are ‘the sum total of our experiences,’ I have been gifted a lifeline with which to significantly alter the outcome of my time here on earth. And, I must say, my heart feels good, very good indeed.



Jeff’s story highlights the importance of regular heart health checks for both men and women above the age of 30. The good news is many heart and circulatory diseases are caused by risk factors that can be controlled, treated or modified

Key risk factors as identified by The British Heart Foundation are cholesterol, diabetes, being overweight, physical inactivity, smoking and having high blood pressure. As well as a family history of heart issues

As a pharmacist, I believe that relatively simple diet and lifestyle changes can reduce the risk of heart disease

Our targeted high strength supplements can help and the general rule for these supplements is to start as early as possible to help prevent problems rather than have to treat later, especially if you recognise the risk factors

My two supplements of choice are Metabolic Gold to reduce the build-up of bad fats in the body and improve the metabolism. Research is now showing that the four specific polyphenols in high strength organic bergamot fruit extract provide effective support for managing weight and cholesterol, by binding to bad fats in the gut.

Alongside Black Garlic an organic compound that is produced when white garlic is fermented over several months. It helps to maintain healthy blood pressure, as well as protecting the cardiovascular system.


Jeff Schmidt is the Author/illustrator of the bestselling book: 

 HEART ATTACK- Finding hope, joy and inspiration through adversity. 

Immune strength diet- The 3 P's

Immune strength diet- The 3 P's

We recommend focusing your daily diet and supplements on the 3P's - Polyphenols, Prebiotics and Probiotics.

  1. Polyphenols - natural chemical bioactives from edible plants. At the correct strength, they are effective for a wide range of health problems.
  2. Prebiotics - inedible plant fibres that specifically feed healthy gut bacteria.
  3. Probiotics - healthy gut bacteria. We play host to trillions of bacteria and yeasts, many of which live in our gut. Some examples of species are lactobacillus, bifidobacteria and saccharomyces.

This week we're talking about two polyphenols in particular, S-allyl cysteine (SAC) and Elenolic Acid (ELA), which are derived from Black Garlic and Olive Leaf.

A daily intake of Black Garlic and Olive Leaf is a popular recipe of sorts, but not for the kitchen! In fact, it is one for optimum immune health whether taken short or long term, to support our natural defences and much more.

Garlic - Black or White?

Black garlic is white garlic that has been aged and fermented for a period of up to 6 months under controlled temperatures and humidity. The physiological changes to garlic as a result of this process are the reasons for its enhanced bioactivity.

So, what happens:

The most obvious change is that it turns from white to black and loses its potent odour. Fermentation reduces the sulphur content of white garlic, which eliminates that tell-tale garlic odour. Its taste is also changed from pungent to sweet with a new sticky, chewy texture. Allicin, the main biochemical in a white garlic bulb, is converted to the polyphenol S-allyl cysteine (SAC). This increases the potency of this phytochemical by up to 10-fold. It is this plant powerhouse that really provides the many health benefits.

Did you know that Black Garlic can:

Black Garlic supplement from The Naked Pharmacy is:

  • Free from synthetics with a tapioca capsule shell.
  • Batch tested for the effective strength of SAC.
  • Fortified with an organic prebiotic, Moringa, for additional gut support.
  • Odourless and safe.

We recommend a daily dose of ONE capsule, with or after food for this all-round, hardworking supplement.

Elenolic Acid (ELA) from Olive Leaf.

    Olive leaves have been used in medicine dating back to Ancient Egypt, where they were considered a divine symbol as well as a popular remedy for fever.

    Recent reports have shown that ELA acts to effectively put the brakes on a viral life cycle. It has been shown to be a natural neuraminidase inhibitor, recommended by WHO for viral infection management. We know that neuraminidase is an enzyme present in the flu virus that facilitates entry of the virus into a healthy host cell. ELA prevents this.

    Olive Leaf from The Naked Pharmacy is:

    • 100% plant based. The Olive leaves are carefully harvested in Spain and an innovative process is used to isolate the ELA extract to create the most effective supplement.
    • Fortified with the natural prebiotic, Moringa Leaf, for a prebiotic to support your microbiome and gut health.
    • Side effect free and safe to take alongside prescribed medicines such as antibiotics.

    Easy to remember dose of ONE capsule daily, with or after food.

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